Do you want to make money online?
Do you have some specialized knowledge? You can make money online.
Do you have the ability to acquire, create and/or gather new information in the form of text, audio and video regularly? You can make money online.
Are you passionate about a particular subject? You can make money online.
Do you have access to a computer and the Internet? You can make money online.
Consider creating and maintaining a membership site or blog and you can make money online on a regular basis (passive/residual) income.
- The desire to make money online
- Some specialized knowledge
- Soccer mom
- Little league coach
- School teacher
- Real estate agent
- Best cookie maker
- Personal trainer
- Business consultant
- Website designer
- Songwriter
- Grant writer
- Musician
- Journalist
- Janitor
- Stylist
- Barber
- Stock broker
- Lawyer
- Mechanic
- A website or blog. Visit 1and1 to register your domain name. I’m an affiliate of 1and1.
- The ability to make your membership site password protected.
- The ability to accept payment or credit cards through the Internet, Paypal is worth considering to help you make money online by processing credit cards. Paypal has a feature where you can set recurring billing on members’ credit cards.
There are greater details on setting up and maintaining a membership website or blog to help you make money online. I merely wanted to introduce the possibilities to you. The January/February 2007 Issue of Millionaire ($1,000,000) Blueprint has great information about membership based websites and how to make money online using them.