
I Made $42,000 This Year

DanteLee "I made $32,000 with this year as an affiliate. Not bad, but relatively low." DanteLee "barely made $10,000 with - gotta do better next year."

Dante Lee is someone who I follow on Twitter a mini or mico-blogging site. Twitter is taken businesses and social media (networking) by storm. Follow me on Twitter at

To date I've never met Dante Lee, but I offer his tweet for you to investigate his claim and resources. I will do the same. Perhaps within 12 months or less we too will offer such claims of making money on the Internet.

Mr. Lee should turn his process into a short ebook and sell it for a small sum. This will allow him to make additional money while helping others do the same.
Please let me know if you've decided to use the companies above as to date I have not.

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